The USPS launched a national #dogbiteawareness campaign to address the large number of postal service employees that were attacked by dogs while delivering mail in the past year. Aggressive dog behavior is a common safety concern of postal workers. Aggressive dogs can be a concern to everyone within a community with dogs. Mail carriers are trained to not startle dogs, keep watch on dogs in an area, never assume a dog won’t bite and to never approach a dog unexpectedly.
The top 10 dog bite states included:
- California – 675 bites in 2022
- Texas – 404 bites in 2022
- New York – 321 bites in 2022
- Pennsylvania – 313 bites in 2022
- Ohio – 311 bites in 2022
- Illinois – 245 bites in 2022
- Florida – 220 bites in 2022
- Michigan – 296 bites in 2022
- Missouri – 166 bites in 2022
- North Carolina – 146 bites in 2022
- The top 5 cities are Houston (57 bites in 2022), Los Angeles (48 bites in 2022), Dallas (44 bites in 2022), Cleveland (43 bites in 2022) and San Diego (39 bites in 2022).
You should never assume a dog is not aggressive – dogs that don’t outwardly exhibit aggressive behavior can still become hostile. Canines typically give warning signs before biting; but canine body language is not always clear to the untrained eye. In 2022, there were 17,597 dog bite claims, averaging a cost of $64,555 per claim.
If your dog had an accident with the mail carrier, neighbor or friend, would you be covered under your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance? If you’re not sure, call or text your independent agent today. Every insurance company differs when it comes to insuring dogs on your policy – some exclude certain breeds, others decide on case-by-case basis, some charge higher premiums in order to include a dog on a policy.
Because dogs can be unpredictable, it’s important to make sure your umbrella doesn’t have a dog bite exclusion, which would waive any eligible coverage. Make sure your canine companion is properly covered under your home or renter’s insurance by giving us a call or sending us a text today at (360) 514-9550.